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22 June 2023

Integrate an emulator in stable-retro/gym-retro

by Mathieu Poliquin


This post is to show how I integrated Sega 32x emulator in stable-retro (an active fork of OpenAI’s gym-retro “lets you turn classic video games into Gymnasium environments for reinforcement learning”) so these steps should mostly work in gym-retro too.

One of the goals in stable-retro’s roadmap is to expand its supported plateforms and support more 3D games, hopefully this guide will inspire you to integrate a new plateform you like.

As reference you can check out my commit of the Sega 32x, everything necessary to integrate the plateform and virtua fighter as example game is in that commit.

EDIT: Since I wrote this post integrated additional plateforms

Step 1: Get the emulator source and integrate it in the repo

The emulator must implement the libretro api to be compatible with stable-retro/gym-retro. You can generally find the source of the emulator you want to integrate in the libretro github repo.

In the case of sega 32x you can find it here:

Step 2: Integrate the emulator source in the repo

The source of emulators goes into the root /cores folder of the repo, in it’s own sub folder


A couple of things you need to make sure of:

Details on how stable-retro checks for makefiles can be found in CmakeLists.txt:

    if(EXISTS "cores/${PLATFORM}/Makefile.libretro")
        set(MAKEFILE Makefile.libretro)
    elseif(EXISTS "cores/${PLATFORM}/Makefile")
        set(MAKEFILE Makefile)
    elseif(EXISTS "cores/${PLATFORM}/libretro/Makefile")
        set(MAKEFILE Makefile)
        set(SUBDIR libretro)
        message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find Makefile.")

As you can see it also checks for Makefile.libretro if there no Makefile found. Sometimes emulator core makefiles compiles for other targets as in the case of Sega 32x, so I had to erase the Makefile content and make it point to makefile.libretro (or I could have just deleted the Makefile but haven’t tested that)

You then need to create a json file and put in the cores root folder, in the case of Sega 32x it’s called 32x.json

    "32x": {
        "lib": "picodrive",
        "ext": ["32x"],
        "keybinds": ["X", "Z", "TAB", "ENTER", "UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "C", "A", "S", "D"],
        "buttons": ["B", "A", "MODE", "START", "UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "C", "Y", "X", "Z"],
        "types": ["|u1", ">u2", ">u4", "|i1", ">i2", ">i4", "|d1", ">d2", ">d4", "<d4", ">d6", ">d8", ">n4", ">n6", ">n8"],
        "overlay": ["=", ">", 2],
        "actions": [
            [[], ["UP"], ["DOWN"]],
            [[], ["LEFT"], ["RIGHT"]],
            [[], ["A"], ["B"], ["C"], ["X"], ["Y"], ["Z"], ["A", "B"], ["B", "C"], ["A", "X"], ["B", "Y"], ["C", "Z"], ["X", "Y"], ["Y", "Z"]]

Step 3: Add the emulator in CmakeLists.txt and

So as stated above and CmakeLists.txt takes care of building your emulator core (along the integration tool and tests) and copying it to retro/core when the user installs stable-retro.

In add your emulator core in the list:

platform_globs = [
    "*-%s/*" % plat
    for plat in [

In CmakeLists.txt, add in the list as well

add_core(snes snes9x)
add_core(genesis genesis_plus_gx)
add_core(nes fceumm)
add_core(atari2600 stella)
add_core(gb gambatte)
add_core(gba mgba)
add_core(pce mednafen_pce_fast)
add_core(32x picodrive)

Step 4: Update tests for your emulator

While this step is not strictly necessary to make it work, it is highly recommended you do this step as it will help debug problems. Also it is necessary if you want to commit in the master branch of stable-retro

In emulator.cpp add your emulator name at the end of the list:

for (const string& core : { "fceumm", "gambatte", "genesis_plus_gx", "mednafen_pce_fast", "mgba", "snes9x", "stella", "picodrive" }) {

Also add the associated test rom name in the list.

vector<EmulatorTestParam> s_systems{
	{ "Nes", "Dr88-FamiconIntro.nes" },
	{ "Snes", "Anthrox-SineDotDemo.sfc" },
	{ "Genesis", "" },
	{ "Atari2600", "automaton.a26" },
	{ "GameBoy", "" },
	{ "GbAdvance", "Vantage-LostMarbles.gba" },
	{ "PCEngine", "chrisc-512_Colours.pce" },
	{ "GameGear", "" },
	{ "Sms", "blind-happy10.sms" },
	{ "32x", "Palette-Tech-1-Demo.32x" },

The test rom is used for various unit tests. A simple tech demo is enough but since it’s commited in the repo you need to find a public domain rom. You can put it in the tests/roms folder.

After that you should be able to run tests/test-emulator binary to see if all tests passed (loading roms, setting values, etc)

Step 5: BIOS

Some emulators need the BIOS file to function. For the 32x it’s not needed but for Sega CD and Saturn for example you will need to place the BIOS file in /retro/cores directory.

To know which BIOS file (along with checksum) to use you can refer to the libretro docs for each core

Step 6: Accessing RAM

In order for stable-retro(and the integration tool) to access RAM the libretro emulator core supports these functions:

void *retro_get_memory_data(unsigned id)
size_t retro_get_memory_size(unsigned id)
void *retro_get_memory_data(unsigned id)
   switch (id)
         return sram.on ? sram.sram : NULL;
        if (system_hw == SYSTEM_MCD) {
          log_cb(RETRO_LOG_INFO, "return scd.prg_ram\n", GG_ROM);
          return scd.prg_ram;
        else {
          log_cb(RETRO_LOG_INFO, "return work_ram\n", GG_ROM);
          return work_ram;
         return NULL;

Step 6: Integrate the first game for this core

How to integrate a game is outside the scope of this guide but I made a series of video explaining how to do that for various types of games using the integration tool:

Known issues

In the future these features might get done but there is no ETA yet

tags: stable-retro - gym-retro - emulator - machine learning - ppo