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Memtest for NVIDIA GPUs


NVIDIA Datacenter gpu manager installation

distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID | sed -e 's/\.//g')
sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y datacenter-gpu-manager

Launch memtest

Additional options on NVDIA doc NVIDIA Memtest doc

dcgmi diag --gpuList 0 -r 4

Results should look like this:

Successfully ran diagnostic for group.
| Diagnostic                | Result                                         |
|-----  Deployment  --------+------------------------------------------------|
| Denylist                  | Pass                                           |
| NVML Library              | Pass                                           |
| CUDA Main Library         | Pass                                           |
| Permissions and OS Blocks | Pass                                           |
| Persistence Mode          | Fail                                           |
| Error                     | Persistence mode for GPU 0 is currently disab  |
|                           | led. The DCGM diagnostic requires peristence   |
|                           | mode to be enabled. Enable persistence mode b  |
|                           | y running "nvidia-smi -i <gpuId> -pm 1 " as r  |
|                           | oot.                                           |
| Environment Variables     | Pass                                           |
| Page Retirement/Row Remap | Pass                                           |
| Graphics Processes        | Pass                                           |
| Inforom                   | Pass                                           |
+-----  Integration  -------+------------------------------------------------+
| PCIe                      | Skip - All                                     |
+-----  Hardware  ----------+------------------------------------------------+
| GPU Memory                | Skip - All                                     |
| Pulse Test                | Skip - All                                     |
+-----  Stress  ------------+------------------------------------------------+
| Targeted Stress           | Skip - All                                     |
| Targeted Power            | Skip - All                                     |
| Memory Bandwidth          | Skip - All                                     |
| Memtest                   | Pass - All                                     |